Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let's do this.

After much him-hawing and obsessing, I have finally started a blog. I carry a lot of guilt about being HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, *THE WORST* about staying in touch with family and friends. Not that I don't think about y'all all the time and stew about what an awful friend/family member I am - at least you might find some comfort in that. I know I would.

I hope this serves as a way to preserve these precious days with my two little turkeys. I am rather morbid and often am quite sure that my days are numbered and I envision them stumbling upon this blog and then appearing on the Oprah of their generations' talk show and telling the world about how much it meant for them to have their time with me documented. For those members of my husband's family who don't know me really well, you should know that I'm only kind of joking. Another reason I want to start this blog is for myself, so not everything will be kid-related. I enjoy writing and it helps me from getting stuck in my head. I also would like my boys to look back at this someday and maybe gain some insight into who I am outside of being their mom.

So, because it's only mostly true that I am slightly addicted to my computer, I'm going to lay some ground rules for myself:

1.) No obsessing about what I'm going to write, how it's going to come across, if I'll sound dumb, whether or not every sentence is grammatically correct, etc. Believe me, this could turn into a monster that will eat me alive if I get all weird about that stuff. So, consider this your warning... I might sound dumb sometimes, I will probably write ridiculously long run-on sentences, I might be annoying and I also might make you uncomfortable by disguising naughty words with @, #, and * symbols.

2.) I'm only going to write for 30 minutes at a time. If I can't get my point across in that amount of time, then I'm either providing way too many details or obsessing about the things mentioned in Rule #1.

On that note, a little story about the blog title... We didn't find out what we were having when I was pregnant with Quinn. Charlie brought Will to the hospital to meet his new little sibling and didn't tell him we had a boy. Will approached the bed where I sat holding Quinn and I told him he now had a baby brother. He got a little grin on his face and his eyes lit up and he said, "I knew it. Two stinky boys!" And I wouldn't have it any other way.

And now... let the blogging.... begin.


  1. YAY! Welcome to the world of blogging! Can't wait to come along on your adventures (and share ours). :) MISS YOU!

  2. Thank you for sharing your life with us and your friendship!
